Whole30 AND Crossfit wtf am I thinking?


Holy shit balls Batman, I’ve done lost my ever loving mind!

So if you follow me on IG you know most of my food consists of “Paleo-ized” junk food. Now when I say Paleo junk food, it doesn’t mean it’s not Paleo. It just mean shit that looks and tastes like it’s not Paleo.  Cookies, banana bread, Chocolate Thunder cake, waffles…. yep all that isn’t Whole30 approved. Am I sad about it? No, and it’s because I haven’t been feeling up to par lately. I’ve lost my spunk, and I’m not sure if it’s me missing my Love Pickle who’s been in and out of town for the last month or the new sweeteners I’ve introduced to my body. I’d rather not say what those are (they’re Paleo), but not every body reacts the same. Mine just so happens to be acting like a major bitch is all… Sorry body… I ♥ you. So besides the Paleo junk, I’m good to go on this “thang” and make it my bitch.

Crossfit: definition of getting yo ass whooped, and I need it. Sweating isn’t to lose weight, (other than water weight) but its more releasing toxins in your body, which I need…obviously.
So Groupon accepted my challenge and I got a sweet ass deal that’s just a few minutes from my house. Am I scared? Fuck yes. Am I gonna kill it? Fuck yes Probably not, but its worth a try. I have a couple of cheerleaders already.

Moral of the story?

Get yo shit right! Nobody is going to tell you what you need to do, but your own body. So get right and tight… well in my case firm….ish.

Love you, bitches!♥

Keep it thuggish, ruggish, and toned
Pamela Martha Focker

One thought on “Whole30 AND Crossfit wtf am I thinking?

  1. I did the exactly the same a year ago in July – crossfit and whole30 starting on the same day. I stuck with CrossFit but not so much with the whole30 – once my 30 days were over I went back to primal/paleo, and have moved on from there. I hope it went well for you 🙂

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